Image Credit : Red Room

One of the most important tools of weight loss is feeling full. That’s why one of the great things about apples is that a large one contains five grams of fibre, which helps to keep you to feeling satisfied.

That’s not the only way apples are good for our health. contributor Natasha Turner, ND stresses the need for detoxification to balance hormones. For example, when our estrogen is balanced, it is easier to fight PMS and reduce water weight. Apples contain a whopping 7mg of calcium D-glucarate, a phytochemical that plays an important role in liver detoxification and estrogen balance.

Many of the health benefits of apples are in their skin, so it is important to source apples that are not sprayed with pesticides. I was able to buy a whole bushel of no-spray apples from my local farmer for $15 because they were not cosmetically perfect. You can find all kinds of local apples at their peak flavour right now in supermarkets and farmer stalls. I encourage you to take a bite!

Five more reasons to eat apples

Credit: Yahoo Shine.