Ogbono - Ogbonon - soup - spon - yoruba - igbo - ibo - food - easy - best - recipe - boiling - frying - drawing

Ogbono Soup with Yellow Garri

This is a recipe I have had several requests for. Ogbono (Wild Mango seed) soup is typically prepared using the frying method, you can checkout our traditional ogbono soup recipe here and the video recipe here. The reason for the popularity of the frying method according to mother is that it makes the soup easier to approach, you see, there is actually tendency for ogbono soup to get lumpy if not properly prepared. The lumps will typically not arise with the frying method since the ogbono is “dissolved” before water is added.

This is also a great recipe for oil-Free Ogbono soup, simply omit the oil .

To combat potential lumps in the boiling method, I figure out a nifty trick. Use a whisk to combine the mixed ogbono and meat broth; a whisk makes the job a thousand times easier.


Ogbono Soup – Boiling Method
Recipe Type: Main
Cuisine: African
Author: 9jaFOODie
Prep time:
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Total time:
Serves: 6
I personally like my ogbono soup a little on the lighter side, if you prefer thick ogbono, reduce the cooking broth.
  • 4 ponmo pieces
  • 4 beef pieces
  • Medium smoked fish
  • 1/3 cup small or ground crayfish
  • 1/3 cup ground ogbono
  • 2 cubes maggi
  • salt – to taste
  • 1 Tablespoon ground pepper
  • 1 cooking spoon palm oil
  • Handful chopped vegetable of choice
  1. Combine ponmo,beef and smoked fish in a pot. Add 3 cups of water, 1 cube maggi and salt to taste. Cook on medium-high heat for 25-30 minutes or until meat is cooked through.
  2. Combine dried ogbono with 2 cooking spoon of the meat broth (from step 1). Whisk until completely smooth
  3. Add all left over ingredients including the ogbono into the meat broth. Stir well to combine using the whisk
  4. Simmer for another 5 minutes
  5. Serve with your choice of swallow
Note: For oil free ogbono, follow the exact same process; simply omit the palm oil. Soup will look as pictured after step 6.